Process Post #2 - Figuring out a topic

When choosing what I wanted to do for my website, I was conflicted on many different topics. My first idea was to recap my weeks. I had this idea because about a year ago, I had a private Instagram where I would recap my days, things that happened, things I ate, and other exciting things. I did it as a mini blog because it allowed me to remember things that happened on specific days. In the long run, I won’t be able to remember what happened on March 07, 2023, but I would be able to with those recaps. I thought this would be a cool idea, but looking over the peer reviews, specifically the third one, I reflected and believed that it wasn’t very marketable. Also, I got burnt out writing about my day, so I gave up on it. So I went back to the drawing board. 


My second idea was either something related to cooking/baking or arts/crafts. Being two of my hobbies, this is a great idea. If I did cooking/baking, I could try out new recipes and work on my techniques. I thought it would be fun, but I had to consider the cons. I hate washing dishes, and in my home, we don’t use the dishwasher (I am the dishwasher), so just thinking about all the dishes afterwards deterred me. Additionally, I would have to spend all the money on ingredients; in this economy with grocery prices going up, oh my god, no way, I can barely support myself by buying normal groceries. Adding on other materials and ingredients, I would be poor. 


The arts and crafts would have been a great idea. I work with kids in before- and after-school programs and part of my job involves making crafts. I could have used their materials to make crafts or documented the things I made with them. But it’s hard to take photos of my process because my phone is unusable around the kids, so the idea went out the drain. 


My last option was a food blog. I go out to eat too regularly, but I love taking food photos. My friends often say I am a picky eater because I always critique places. Thinking about the marketability of my idea, I knew this would be the way to go. I wanted to be more specific with my topic, so I thought about something I get often. Then it hit me, Boba; I drink Boba so often that I might get diabetes, but it’s okay. This would be a great topic, and I would be able to share my love and recommendation. So, I’ve stuck with it since. It took a little bit, but hopefully, it turns out good; if it doesn’t, it doesn’t, it doesn’t well. I hope the pictures are good. 

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