Process Post #3 - Who is my audience?

When figuring out my topic, I also had to figure out who I was writing this for. Going through my previous ideas with the first idea, the weekly recaps. What kind of audience can I make care about my life to hear about my weekly activities? Although some parts of my life are slightly interesting, my typical week would consist of Going to Bed, waking up, going to school or going to work, coming home and coming home and repeating. For some, that might be super interesting, but for many, that’s just normal adulting and nothing to rave about.

Additionally, I haven’t made a name for myself, so why would people care about a nobody’s life? If I had gone with this idea, the most entertaining part of my blogs would have been me complaining about school assignments, misbehaving kids, or bad management. The downside would be that if someone were to find out about it, I might get myself into a bit of trouble. I will be restricted by the type of audience I would want to read my blogs.

For baking/cooking, this depends on what I want to make. Would I want to make simpler recipes and teach for the people wanting to learn the basics of baking/cooking? Maybe something more complicated for the more intermediate cooks. Maybe more culturally specific to entice others to learn more about different food. There were a lot of factors and considerations I would have to make to find a specific audience. Since baking/cooking has so many layers to what you can do, I was too conflicted to choose, so I skipped it.

With Boba Reviews, I could hit multiple audiences and still have a specific niche of people I wanted to see my reviews. My main audience is new/returning boba lovers looking for recommendations, something to get them out of their comfort zone or introduce places they have never heard of before. Through my boba reviews, I could build a community of boba connoisseurs to help give better recommendations and allow people to be more excited about Boba. For a general audience, different foodies and people can have a look into a new drink place after a meal.

After reviewing my ideas, Boba was the way to go; I just had to figure out how to execute it.

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